Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Enabling JSP hot deploy on Wildfly 8.x


  • Eclipse Juno
  • Wildfly 8.2

Publishing configuration on Eclipse

On Eclipse, open Wildfly 8.x configuration options and be sure that the option Automatically publish when resource change is selected under the Publising menu.
Wildfly Configuration

Wildfly configuration file

 On Wildfly configuration file, standalone.xml (or other configuration file that your Wildfly is using), change:
<jsp-config development="true"/> 

More information

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Using Eclipselink as JPA 2.1 Implementation on Wildfly 8.x


  • Wildfly 8.2
  • Eclipselink 2.6.0

Adding eclipselink jar on Wildfly

Download eclipselink jar and copy the jar to:

Change the file module.xml from the same folder, adding the eclipselink as resource, as follow:
    <resource-root path="jipijapa-eclipselink-1.0.1.Final.jar">
    <resource-root path="eclipselink.jar">
Note: Add the value exactly as the jar name, if the jar has the version e.g. eclipselink-2.6.0.Final.jar, the path on the resource must be the same.

Using Eclipselink Provider on persistence.xml

Add the Eclipselink Provider on the persistence.xml.

Enabling entity auto-scan

Eclipselink, different from the Hibernate, doesn't scan the entities automatically, they must be added manually on persistence.xml file, e.g.:
To enable the auto-scan on Wildfly, add the following system property on the standalone.xml (or the configuration file that your Wildfly is using):
    <property name="eclipselink.archive.factory" value="org.jipijapa.eclipselink.JBossArchiveFactoryImpl">
Note:  This property can be inserted using the console. To do so, with the Wildfly running execute: --connect '/system-property=eclipselink.archive.factory:add(value=org.jipijapa.eclipselink.JBossArchiveFactoryImpl)'

Enabling Eclipselink logging on console

 To be able to see the SQL generated by the Eclipselink on console, first,  enable the log on persistence.xml:
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE"/>
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level.sql" value="FINE"/>
<property name="eclipselink.logging.parameters" value="true" />

Change the log level of the console on standalone.xml, as follow:
<console-handler name="CONSOLE">
    <level name="TRACE"/>

And add the following logger on standalone.xml:
<logger category="org.eclipse.persistence.sql">
    <level name="DEBUG"/>


For more information access:
JPA Reference Guide - Wildfly 8 - Project Documentation