- Wildfly 8.2
- Eclipselink 2.6.0
Adding eclipselink jar on Wildfly
eclipselink jar and copy the jar to:
Change the file
module.xml from the same folder, adding the eclipselink as resource, as follow:
<resource-root path="jipijapa-eclipselink-1.0.1.Final.jar">
<resource-root path="eclipselink.jar">
Note: Add the value exactly as the jar name, if the jar has the version e.g.
eclipselink-2.6.0.Final.jar, the path on the resource must be the same.
Using Eclipselink Provider on persistence.xml
Add the Eclipselink Provider on the
Enabling entity auto-scan
Eclipselink, different from the Hibernate, doesn't scan the entities automatically, they must be added manually on
persistence.xml file, e.g.:
To enable the auto-scan on Wildfly, add the following system property on the
standalone.xml (or the configuration file that your Wildfly is using):
<property name="eclipselink.archive.factory" value="org.jipijapa.eclipselink.JBossArchiveFactoryImpl">
Note: This property can be inserted using the console. To do so, with the Wildfly running execute:
jboss-cli.sh --connect '/system-property=eclipselink.archive.factory:add(value=org.jipijapa.eclipselink.JBossArchiveFactoryImpl)'
Enabling Eclipselink logging on console
To be able to see the SQL generated by the Eclipselink on console, first, enable the log on
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE"/>
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level.sql" value="FINE"/>
<property name="eclipselink.logging.parameters" value="true" />
Change the log level of the
console on
standalone.xml, as follow:
<console-handler name="CONSOLE">
<level name="TRACE"/>
And add the following logger on
<logger category="org.eclipse.persistence.sql">
<level name="DEBUG"/>
For more information access:
JPA Reference Guide - Wildfly 8 - Project Documentation